Wednesday, July 4, 2012
What is truth?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Following in the Footsteps
Since then, I have tried to follow the Lord and have often wondered about Proverbs 16:9. How do I plan my way and allow God to direct my steps? Does he do the micro- planning and I do the macro- planning or vice versa? Do I make the big plans and he makes it possible? I really thought he planned the big picture and I made the smaller decisions and he somehow works it all out for good. Matthew Henry, a Theologean and Presbyterian Preacher, explains it this way: "If men devise their way, so as to make God's glory their end and his will their rule, they may expect that he will direct their steps by his Spirit and grace, so that they shall not miss their way nor come short of their end." That makes it a little clearer but still leaves in one ingredient to following God's will - abiding in faith.
I find that emptying myself and completely serve God's glory can be difficult and knowing his will requires much abiding and then faith that your sense of leading from him is really from him. But a wise man once reminded me that Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice." So, when he directs my steps, I will know it and peace in my spirit will help me know that I am listening to his voice. Sometimes it is hard to see the big picture when you are walking in it, but a little path of bread crumbs totals up to a fine meal at the end of the day. So, I follow in his footsteps and at the end of each day I go to sleep knowing that I have reached the heights of success.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It's not about houses and paychecks
When I think about that, I realize my own sin. While saying I'm trying to follow the Lord, I am actually holding an idol in my heart of...can you guess it? Money and possessions. Let's be honest as long as we are pulling back the curtain and looking at what I'm really striving for. When do I have the most peace? When I have money in the bank. When do feel the best about myself? When people see my home and say it's a nice home. When do I feel wealthy? When I can buy a gift for someone or buy someone's lunch and not worry about the money or take a nice vacation. So, I am sitting here claiming to God that I'm following him and he should let me prosper when in fact I am asking him to help me worship other idols. Somebody just took a 2x4 and smacked me into next week.
Prospering is not about houses and paychecks. Being at peace is not about knowing you have money in the bank. Peace of mind and true prosperous living comes from knowing that there is a God who loves me, has my best interest at heart, and promises to take care of me. So, I don't have to know the plan for next week or next month. I don't have to know His total plan for my life. I couldn't understand His total plan for my life if He tried to explain it to me. But I know He's good and I know He's trustworthy. So, guess what? I am at peace and I am prospering in many ways that will last longer than my house and my paycheck. By focusing on those things, I can reach for the heights of success.
...and do you remember what is the heights of success? If I have given glory to God today in the things I have done, I have reached the heights of success.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Search Continues...
How do I find that right fit? Trying to find information about companies can be overwhelming. There are endless numbers of websites, research sites, library sites, etc. where you can find out information about a job or a company and hours can quickly pass and what have you gained? Some knowledge and information. Some new awareness of a business industry. Maybe it’s all for the general purpose of being educated in the world of business, but I sometimes get to the point where I’m really tired of staring at a computer. But, when you stop moving forward on some new lead, it feels like it’s slipping away and so you keep going a little longer. Then you find something that you think you would be great at and then you wait. And wait. And wait. It’s the waiting that is the hardest.
So, what do you do? Wait a little more. Be grateful that your wife or spouse is encouraging you. Keep chasing leads. Pray for patience. In the mean time, I try to read books, listen to cd’s, read the Bible, and trust in God’s provision. I’m learning patience and trust in a way I’ve never experienced before and hopefully this will prepare me for being a part of the top 20% in my next job so I can reach the Heights of Success.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday, July 23, 2009
When the "Son" is shining, we can see His shadow
As John Eldredge describes David and Goliath, “a freckle-faced little shepherd kid with a slingshot" vs. “a seasoned soldier and trained killer”. I’m sure the other Isrealites thought to themselves, “who sent this kid?” This is what we see when we get real about who we are versus who we are up against in this world. But the truth of it is that if we can expand our view further out we can see that that our brothers and sisters in Christ are behind us praying on our behalf. If we expand our view even further, we can see that there is an army of heavenly hosts waiting for the battle cry to be sounded so they can act on our behalf. And if we can expand our view as far as possible, we see that God is also standing behind us ready to act on our behalf. Like a kid who gets picked on in the school yard and finally stands up to the bully only then to realize that his dad was standing behind him the whole time. Maybe we can’t quite see God because of his enormous size and grandeur or because his glory is too much to behold. But as long as the "Son" is shining, we can see his shadow. God stands ready and sometimes waits until we think all is lost, then He shows up and saves the day in such a way that we know all the glory is due Him. Hebrews 13:6 says “So we say with confidence, the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” If we can talk our hearts into believing that this is true, then fear will leave us, God will get the glory, and we will reach the heights of success.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
They did as the Lord commanded...
You may often read the Old Testament and ask your self, "What’s the point"? It's mostly a historical story that is questionable whether it applies to our lives or not. There are some analogies that are useful, but we don't follow the law because we're under grace. Right? Not exactly. If you look twice, you will see that it is more than just historical. It's radical.
The phrase that I have seen many times in Exodus and Numbers is "They did as the Lord commanded." Many of us wish that God would tell us specifically what He wants us to do, but let me remind you that when you know exactly what you are supposed to do, then it is your responsibility to do it. Sometimes the struggle is knowing what to do, but often, I think that many of us simply don't want to do it.
Moses would meet with God daily and listen to instruction and follow it. Take this animal...kill it in this manner...with a hin of the blood on your right ear lobe, right thumb, and right big toe...don't touch certain certain things...etc, etc. God was very specific and we again consider the phrase, "they did as the Lord commanded." These were not old customs that God was restarting and reminding them about. These were nutty, off the wall, requirements that came out of nowhere. But God made it clear that He had chosen these people, that he was trustworthy, and then gave them instructions. Are times so different today?
Don't think of daily time with God as a requirement (mainly because it's not). We don't meet with Him every day because we have to; we meet with Him every day because we want to. God wants us to live relationally with Him every day so that we don't drift to the left or to the right. His ideas are sometimes radical, but His ways are good. How do you know He is good? You won't know the first time you trust Him. That's why they call it trust. But the second time, you'll remember the first; the third time you'll remember the second; until one day you won't know any different. Then you wouldn't think of going about your day without Him because to do so would be like heading out without directions and that gets you nowhere. Let the people of God show ourselves to be followers of God. Pray. Listen. Follow. Then future generations can say "they did as the Lord commanded" and they reached the heights of success.